Friday, 15 November 2013

My Sweater Weather Tag! ♥

Hey loves!
I have been look around for a sweater weather tag and I haven't found the right one that really appealed to me, although some of the questions I might repeat subconsciously all these questions were either inspiration from questions I've seen or questions I've thought up of myself.

I will list the questions at the end so that you guys can copy and paste onto your blog post! If you decide to do it then post a comment on this blog post to let me know so that I can check out your answers to!

1. Do you own a cosy blanket?
Ohhh yeah. My blanket is from BHS and I actually got it a month ago and as you can see it IS a Christmas blanket and I love it to peices! Its soooo cosy, I spilt a mocha on it once and I had to washing machine it but its fine now!
Fair Isle Micro Fleece Throw Red/White - Was $12.00 Now £10.00

2. Favourite hot drink?
My favourite hot drink this month are Caramel Lattes or Gingerbread Lattes

3. Favourite thing to do?
My favourite thing to do is either blog, read a book on my bed, snuggle under a blanket watching a movie with my love or go shopping :)

4. Bodywash scent?
My favourite scent is by Treacle Moon - Cinnamon Nights. Now I recently purchased this at Tescoes and it was on sale for £1.99

5. Everyday scent?
My everyday scent is Victoria Secrets Midnights Exotics - Deep Berry, All of ya'll will kill me if I say it one more time!

6. Favourite lipstick colour?
My favourite lipstick this month is one that I previously blogged about called Revenge from the Collection 2000 range Gothic Glam :)
Click here for the blog post. 

7. Favourite nail polish colour?
My favourite nail polish colour right now is just simply Sinful Colours in Black on Black which I purchased in Boots for £1.99
The link is here

8. Dark makeup or natural makeup?
Because I absolutely love bright lipsticks, not necessarily neon pink but raspberry and dark red colours I decided to recently leave my makeup neutral.

9. Have you honestly started your Christmas shopping?
No I haven't yet but I have seriously considered it! 
Does buying snow spray count?

10. Favourite movie of the sweater weather month?
What I've recently watched is Iron Man 2, I'm so obsessed with all the Marvel movies so any of those will be on :) Also I love romance movies all year round but films like the The Holiday are PERFECT to watch with your boyfriend :)

11. Favourite meal of the sweater weather month?
My go to meal would have to be quite simply tomato soup and bread :)

12. What does your cosy sweater look like?
My cosy sweater is one I recently bought from Asda which was in their sale section it white and black with speckle and has a waterfall affect which kind of makes it fall down the front like a scarf. I'm going to do a mini haul blog post that will feature it so keep posted for that!

13. Hairstyle of the sweater weather month?
For me I love washing my hair, curling every single strand before bed and putting it up in a bun, these curls lasts for 3 or 4 days and makes everything more awesome and easier to style than my flat volumeless hair.

14. Favourite candle?
My favourite candle is the Yankee Christmas Cookie Candle that I got at the Yankee Store in London Westfield for £12.74.

15. Best autumn memory?
This is a hard one, my memory sucks but when I was little I slightly remember going on long autumn walks to parks and just around the house (we live opposite a huge field). They were the best.

16. What is the autumn weather like where you live?
The autumn weather recently has been crisp sunny morning, colder more dismal nights and/or rain and coldness.

17. Blogging in a cafe or jumping in fallen leaves?
If I had a laptop that I could take to Costa I would but I don't right now because the internet doesn't work on it :( So I will either go for blogging at home and jumping in the fallen leaves!

18. Long Autumn/Winter walks with your love or Watching a movie with snacks?
I would say both although I have yet to convince my love to take a walk with me :(

19. Skinny jeans, Leggings or Thick woolly tights?
I would say thick woolly tights as I don't really like wearing jeans. Leggings are okay but can be quite uncomfortable sometimes :(

20. Ankle boots or Combat boots?
But I shan't.
Maybe in a blogpost I will but right now, I won't.

21. Favourite song of the sweater weather month?
I haven't really been listening to much music in terms of mainstream music but I do love a little bit of Moriah Peters or Kari Jobe on those fall days :)

Here are the questions that you guys can copy and place on your blog :)

1. Do you own a cosy blanket?
2. Favourite hot drink?
3. Favourite thing to do?
4. Bodywash scent?
5. Everyday scent?
6. Favourite lipstick colour?
7. Favourite nail polish colour?
8. Dark makeup or natural makeup?
9. Have you honestly started your Christmas shopping?
9. Favourite movie of the sweater weather month?
10. Favourite meal of the sweater weather month?
11. A picture of your cosy sweater?
12. Hairstyle of the sweater weather month?
13. Favourite candle?
14. Best autumn memory?
15. What is the autumn weather like where you live?
16. Blogging in a cafe or jumping in fallen leaves?
17. Long Autumn/Winter walks with your love or Watching a movie with snacks?
18. Skinny jeans, Leggings or Thick woolly tights?
19. Ankle boots or Combat boots?
20. Favourite song of the sweater weather month?

Thankyou for reading through!
God bless :)


  1. Lovely tag, I like that you made your own questions, I might have to do this! Also, I've nominated you for a Sunshine Award, the info is in the post on my blog xx

  2. Thankyou so much, definitely do it I would love to read your answers :D
    Aww thankyou so much I'll definitely check it out !!!

    All my love,

  3. loved reading your answers :) The Holiday is one of my favorite movies<3

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed it Andrea! It's awesome!! Thanks for stopping by! <3

  4. Great answers! I can watch The Holiday over and over again without getting bored <3

    Love Bodil,

    1. Thankyou! Haha yes!! Its so good, Thankyou for stopping by :D Awesome blog btw!

  5. Awww thankyou Ava for nominating me! I'll be sure to check it out for sure! Thanks for stopping by :D
    <3 xoxo

  6. Hey!

    I've just nominated you for the Liebster Award, head to my blog to view the post or follow this link:

    Alice xxx

    1. Hiya! Thankyou soo very much I'll make sure to join in on it :D
      All my love,

  7. Lovely post!! So nice to find out your favourite things...couldn't agree more about The Holiday :-p xxx

    1. Thankyou :D I'm glad you enjoyed it! Yes I know it's an awesome film isn't haha :) Thanks for stopping by!
      All my love,
