Hey guys,
Today's post is all about Stocking stuffers, I love filling stockings up for my family but sometimes it can get quite hard looking for presents to fill it with. Boys like gadgets and gifts that they normally wouldn't buy themselves which is why I've placed a fair amount of both in this blog post. Some of these gifts are wonderfully weird and at times useful so have fun looking at them all, I have linked my polyvore set that contains the links for all of these items. I hope you find them useful!
1. Mini Space Blasters - £4.99 - Menkind // 2. Helicopter with Ripcord Power - £4.99 - Amazon // 3. Mancave Cedarwood Shower Gel - £3.99 - Boots // 4. Ted Baker Bodyspray - £3.00 - Boots // 5. Hat - £3.50 - Burton // 6. Novelty Plastic Toothbrush - £2.75 - Amazon // 7. Gloves - £4.20 - Burton // 8. Ted Baker Men's Sport's Wash Bag - £4.50 - Boots // 9. Popcorn Holder - £2.50 - Hawkin's Bazaar // 10. Fcuk Hair and Bodywash - £3.00 - Boots // 11. V05 Matt Clay - £4.19 - Boots // 12. Robot Hand - £4.00 - Hawkin's Bazaar // 13. Grow Your Own Extreme Chili - £4.00 - Hawkin's Bazaar // 14. Potato Zapper - £4.99 - Menkind // 15. Rubix Cube - £2.49 - Amazon // 16. Casette Notepad - £3.00 - Hawkin's Bazaar
God bless,
All my love,

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