Hey guys, I know that the Too Much Information tag has been around for a while now on Youtube and seeing as I don't have a Youtube channel that I regularly post on I decided to quite simply answer the questions right here on my blog! I copied the questions from Jenn's Youtube channel: clothesencounters here is her video.
I tag every beautiful person that reads this, make sure to comment a link to your post so I can check them out :)
♦ Q U E S T I O N S ♦
1: What are you wearing?
I am currently wearing a brown strappy top under a black sheer top tucked into a black skater skirt from H&M, tights and a red, orange and brown scarf from New Look.
2: Ever been in love?
Yes :)
3: Ever had a terrible breakup?
Not a terrible break-up but a very very very tearful and sad breakup.
4: How tall are you?
Not very. Around 5"3.
5: How much do you weigh?
I have a phobia of scales.
6: Any tattoos?
7: Any piercings?
My ears.
8: OTP (One True Pairing)
Zoe and Wade from Hart of Dixie 5ever.
9: Favorite show
Hart of Dixie.
10: Favorite band
For King and Country
11: Something you miss
My uni friends :( especially Viki and Maddie - love you guysss!
12: Favorite song
Right now, the whole of For King and Country's Christmas EP
13: How old are you?
I am 19 years old.
14: Zodiac sign
15: Quality you look for in a partner
One of them would be humour, the first quality would be God-fearing.
16: Favorite Quote
Hate is easy, love takes courage.
17: Favorite actor
Rachel Mcadams
18: Favorite color
Purple and Turquoise
19: Loud music or soft?
20: Where do you go when you're sad?
To my bedroom, to talk it out with God and scream into my pillow.
21: How long does it take you to shower?
At home I always bathe because we don't have a showerhead that connects to the wall it just roams free but in halls I have one so it takes me around 5 or 10 minutes.
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
I need at least an hour.
23: Ever been in a physical fight?
With my brother yaas.
24: Turn on
A guy that treats everyone he meets with kindness and love.
25: Turn off
Arrogance and unkindness.
26: The reason I joined Blogger
I had always had a blog of some sort but did not start using it consistently until I made this blog.
27: Fears
Your usual, heights and bugs and I will never ever watch a horror movie.
28: Last thing that made you cry
A video about beagles that had been tested on in a lab their whole life going on grass for the first time in their lives.
29: Last time you said you loved someone
Just now to my mum on the phone.
30: Meaning behind your Blog Name
It's just an appreciation of the Lord beauty and His goodness.
31: Last book you read
Regeneration - Pat Barker
32: The book you're currently reading
Currently reading Arundati Roy's - God of Small Things, and I desperately need to finish it.
33: Last show you watched
Braxton Family Values (I know, I am ashamed, but I can't stop!)
34: Last person you talked to
My papa :)
35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted
Joanna Clare Owst - she is one of my best friends.
36: Favorite food
Spaghetti, anything with pesto and chicken.
37: Place you want to visit
Bora Bora, the Northern Lights, Italy and Peru.
38: Last place you were
Holiday-wise, Slovakia.
39: Do you have a crush?
Surprisingly not right now.
40: Last time you kissed someone
Probably this week saying goodbye to my mum!
41: Last time you were insulted
Probably by Leyla and Rachel but I love them so it's okay.
42: Favorite flavor of sweet
You know those gourmet jelly beans well my favourite flavour is the candy floss one.
43: What instruments do you play
The violin, piano and a little bit of guitar.
44: Favorite piece of jewelry
Is it bad that I don't have a favourite?
45: Last sport you played
I don't sport.
46: Last song you sang
Feliz Navidad at church this morning, yep, that happened.
47: Favorite chat up line
Here's a few Christian pick-up lines for ya'll:
- So last night I was reading in the book of Numbers, and I realized... I don't have yours!
- I believe one of my ribs belongs to you.
48: Have you ever used it?
Never, ever.
49: Last time you hung out with anyone
A very close family friend (she's basically family) called Krystal, we ate and shopped :)
50: Who should answer these questions next?
Karla Vargas from The Goldbrush you guys should check out her beautiful blog! Here and anyone that wants to do it! :)
God bless,
All my love,

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