Hey loves,
February 14th is the day that we will all find it inevitable to see numerous couples holding hand in hand and kissing non-stop, so whether you're in a relationship, out of one or are just plain enjoying single life - embrace it on this day and never feel like you're on your own because in each of these relationship statueses I just listed you are sure to be sharing the same feelings with at least a million other people. So I thought it only fitting to help you guys come up with ideas to do on Valentine's Day which will hopefully suit everyone and if you're like me, working on Valentine's Day (whyyy) then don't fret I'm sure you'll find something to do on here :)
#1: Go on a date.
Yes I figured I would start with the obvious choice, go on a date! This could be out to dinner in a restaurant, book early so you are sure to get a place :) Eating Chinese, American, Indian it is your choice just make sure your other half will enjoy it and you can't go wrong. If you do however want to change it up a bit you could go for a picnic on the beach, sand or stone just as long as you have a nice blanket and some pillows, plenty of sandwiches and snacks to keep you going through the day - and if you're feeling especially romantic why not make it go all through the night and stargaze. I personally love staring at the constellations, I could honestly do it for hours so what better way to do it then with someone you love! Plus it is a great opportunity to receive a midnight kiss :)
However, dates don't always have to involve food and eating! You could take your other half bowling beforehand or have an active day out an plan a day of adventures, there's plenty of things to do like GoApe, skydiving, spa days you name it! Argos, Asda and Virgin have some amazing couple deals for Experience Days and some of them will for sure not break your bank so they are well worth looking into.
Gift Experience Days for Couples:
1) Virgin
2) Argos
Also I read somewhere that you can totally reenact your very first date, hopefully you can remember it, if not... improvise!
#2: Pamper Yourself.
Calling all the beautiful independent girls on this fine Valentine's Day, guess what, you can spend the whole day spending time on yourself. So, buy a face mask - you can get them really cheap nowadays as cheap as 99p. Also, get a cucumber because we are chopping that up and placing them on our eyelids. Run yourself a bath filled with your favourite Lush bath bomb or Bubble bath and just soak. Wash your hair, condition it and dry it and then after you can go ahead and invite your closest girlfriends pop a movie on, eat popcorn and loads of junk food. Get everyone to bring their favourite nail polish colours and youtube or instagram cute nail designs and get creative! Next, makeovers - I am a total make-up addict and I enjoy doing other people's makeup so take it in turns to transform and enhance your already wonderful features. After that you can find amazing hairstyles and try to reinvent them.
Here are 20 Chick-flicks that you can watch, these are ones that I would personally watch on this day:
1. Valentine's Day
2. John Tucker Must Die
3. She's The Man
4. Mean Girls
5. Princess Diaries
6. The Notebook
7. Mamma Mia
8. Devil Wears Prada
9. Something Borrowed
10. 13 going on 30
11. Confessions of a Shopaholic
12. Letters to Juliet
13. Sex and the City
14. Bride Wars
15. The Holiday
16. The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants
17. Sweet Home Alabama
18. The Ugly Truth
19. Burlesque
20. The Lucky One
#3: Go to the Cinema.
Indeed, the cinema MAY or may not be filled with couples giving you too much PDA but grab a few friends and it may just turn out to be an awesome night!
#4: Go Shopping.
A bit of retail therapy never hurt anyone, so call a few girls and go shopping :)
#5: Weekend Breaks/Holidays
For the couples that have enough money to afford a weekend away somewhere this is ideal, I mean what better way to spend Valentine's Day then being away in another place completely isolated where you and your love can just enjoy eachother's company and kiss without your little brother walking through the room.
Here are a few links to some deals you can get:
2) Superbreak
#6: Spa Day
This can involve anyone: your friends, your other half and even your family! I'm sure local spas have wonderful deals going so keep your eyes peeled for them. Also it's probably best to book now to secure a place hopefully you read this in time.
#7: Stay At Home
Those on a budget, rent a few movies, get some snacks and just snuggle on the sofa together. It may be a good idea to switch your phones off and just relax!

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