Hey guys,
Today is a post about magazines, I don't know about you guys but I buy at least one magazine a month, I started reading tween magazines years ago like Mizz and Shout and then moving onto Sugar which hasn't hit shelves for at least a year, Sugar really was the only magazine that I bought every single month for at least 2 years. It was the perfect combination of humour and fashion as well as interviews with my favourite celebrities. Now, growing up I have moved on to magazines like Company and Glamour but it's still lovely to hang onto my inner tween self and buy Seventeen magazine and Teen Vogue every once in a while! Below I will have a short review of the magazines I have found myself reading so I hope you enjoy, I haven't really seen anyone do a post like this before but in saying that some bloggers may have already done this already if so I'm jumping on the band wagon and if not, I'm the driver.
This magazine started out in the USA and apparently it was the first teen magazine published in the US - I was surprised to find this out myself but apparently it has been running since September 1944, which is a heck of a long time and they have obviously done so well for themselves growing even better through the years. It began as a publication geared towards inspiring teen girls to become role models in work and citizenship. Soon after its debut, Seventeen took a more fashion and romance-oriented approach in presenting their material, while still maintaining their model of promoting self-confidence in young women. It's one of my favourite magazines in terms of layout and fashion content and most importantly has articles that touch on pressing issues affecting our generation. Seventeen's total circulation in the year 2013 is 2,010,619 and is a monthly magazine. Here a few notable events that occurred in the magazine:
1) Sylvia Plath submitted forty-five pieces to Seventeen before her first short story, "And Summer Will Not Come Again", was published in the August 1950 issue.
2) In 2010, writer Jamie Keiles conducted The Seventeen Magazine Project, a social experiment in which she followed the advice of Seventeen magazine for 30 days.
3) In the early 1980s, Whitney Houston appeared in Seventeen and became one of the first black women to grace the cover of the magazine.
4) In 2012, in response to reader protests against the magazine's altering of model photos, Seventeen pledged not to Photoshop model photos.
Here is one of my favourite pages in the magazine:
Another favourite of mine is Glamour although it is aimed for ladies older than me, I don't buy it as regularly as Seventeen or Teenvogue and Company it's more of a magazine that I buy when it's on offer for £2. Which isn't really a good enough reason to put it on my favourites list, I love reading all the way through it though when I get it, the articles are fun to read and they always have really long fashion and beauty related spreads.
Glamour magazine was also founded in the United States found by Conde Nast publications it was founded in 1939 and originally called Glamour of Hollywood. It targets women 18-49 with a median age of 33 years old and Glamour's total circulation as of June 2013 is 2,300,854 it's also a monthly magazine. Since 1980 the magazine has held an awards event called "Women of the Year" awards ceremony which recognises women in the public eye.
Here is one of my favourite fashion spreads in the most recent issue out on the shelves, gorgeously presented right?
This is probably the magazine that I buy every month without fail, I love everything about it the content is great and it's filled with visual-exciting layouts. My favourite part of this magazine is the How I did it articles where women that have different careers such as being in the music industry, owning a cake shop or working in the fashion industry. This magazine was founded in the UK it celebrated their 30th birthday in 2008 and it's a monthly magazine focusing on fashion, celebrities and lifestyle magazine.
Founded by Leslie Ludy, this magazine is an online magazine and faith-based, it's filled with wonderful and uplifting articles as well as articles that tackle serious issues in a girls Christian life. It's worth the read and is great food for the soul plus it's FREE (for fweee) being an online magazine and all. I'll place their purpose of the magazine in their words:
The setapartgirl magazine exists for no other reason than to point young women to Jesus Christ! We pray that you will be encouraged, uplifted and strengthened in your pursuit of Him as you read the words contained within these pages. We are a simple team of Christ-followers who are far from the finished picture of set-apartness; but we share one thing in common…the desire to give our lives to Jesus Christ fully and completely without reserve. We pray this magazine will inspire you to become a “lily among thorns” in this generation, by His grace, and for His glory.
Did you guys ever watch The Hills, I got into this magazine after watching Lauren Conrad get an internship there, since then I waited to get my hands on a copy - I don't think they sold it in this country at that time. They then began selling it in WHSmith and I bought it there for a while but I think over the years it wore a hole in my purse pocket and there's only so many times I can ask my parents for enough pocket money for me to go out with my friends and to buy Sugar AND Teen Vogue. Recently they sell Teen Vogue in Tescoes and seeing as it's cheaper than Seventeen it's always the first I reach for out of the two - price does matter girls.
Teen Vogue began as a teen version of Vogue it focuses on fashion and celebrities and offers information about the latest entertainment and feature stories on current issues and events.
I hope you guys enjoyed this post, what magazines are you guys reading? And what are your opinions on these magazines?
All my love,
God bless,

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