Hey loves,
Mini Haul number two is here, I seriously think I have a problem, a major shopping problem - no one give me a credit card! Ever. I hope you guys enjoy haul posts, I'm trying to get into a blog-posting rhythm. I'm excited to show you guys the following items that I've recently purchased. If you haven't already scrolled down through the photos you may notice my slight obsession for stationary, it's almost better than buying clothes. I love writing so therefore it's acceptable for me to go crazy on stationary and notebooks it doesn't feel as guilty as buying clothing that I'm only going to wear once.
New Look Tan Boots - £17.00
The story that go along with these boots involve, me entering New Look, looking at the stand where they advertise new items, picking them up without looking at the price and leaving the store. Okay, maybe it didn't go as smoothly as that I actually took a long time looking in the mirror trying these boots on and the black boots in my previous haul post. I snapchatted most of the girls on my Snapchat (the amazing things you can do these days) and they replied instantly with "I love the black ones" and "I love the brown ones" so I decided that I would get these anyway but in the end I got both. So that's the story of my boot life.
Additionally, I love the round-toed look of boots, it looks better opposed to pointy boots and these are so comfortable all I can say about disliking these boots is the cut, maybe I didn't pay enough attention to the cut while looking in the mirror but they make my already stumpy legs look even more stumpy but somehow I can deal, they just aren't as worn enough as my black boots. Overall, a wonderful buy I think, plus I can wear them in the summer with loads of cute summer dresses!
The Works, 2 Writing Sets £1.99, 2 Notebooks £2.99 and a 5 year journal that I got for my Birthday.
Yay, I was so excited when I saw how cheap the stationary was at The Works in Ashford. Me and my best friend Rachel have been exchanging letters a lot so I figured that these Writing Sets would get some use out of. So far, I've written only one letter to my boyfriend for Valentine's Day and I haven't gotten round to writing to Rachel yet, priority's clearly aren't in place yet. Each set have beautifully decorated backgrounds that relate to their beautiful front covers. I have been so obsessed with Paris recently it's an obsession that I need to have control of.
The notebooks underneath were an awesome find like I said, I love writing so these will definitely be used.
My 5 year journal was a gift I received from my other best friend Jo she literally knows me so well I won't be able to tell you much about it seeing as it was a gift but I can tell you that it was from Waterstone's. All you do is write down the year under the day that you're on and you're done! It is such an awesome concept, I can't wait to look back on it in the next few years, I love how you can be picky on which memory you write down also so you don't have to go too into detail about all the boring parts of your day.
Plus, the doodles and art in this journal is amazing!
Here are a bundle of things that I got over the past few months. So let me talk you through them :)
Polka-dot Bow £4.99 from Claire's Accessories
I have been in love with wearing bows in my hair for so long now and when I laid my eyes on this, I fell in love. I instantly began creating Valentine's Day looks to go with this bow! Bows just remind me of Macbarbie07 - check out her Youtube, so when I wear it I feel like I'm channeling her and this makes me happy.
Zig-Zag Shirt £3 from Moda at Asda
I got this in the sale at Asda, I picked up so many clothes from that rail as they were all under £5.00! I sometimes enjoy shopping at big supermarket stores simply because their fashion is actually on trend and more often cheaper. This shirt sits really well on my frame and a little off the shoulder which is a style that I love it's also one that I don't really have to tuck into my skirt (I almost always only wear skirts) so that's a bonus, less frumpiness for me!
White Floral Top £4 Moda at Asda
I'm finally getting a tad braver on wearing white, I used to steer clear from white seeing as I just love to attract stains, so far so good. I love the flowy material on the arms, it, to me is very boho and liberating and also very comfy. I also adore the floral (althought not quite clear) pattern on the front and the fact that the extra flowy material is underneath means I don't need to layer it any clothing underneath!
White and Gold Statement Necklace £1.00 from Claire's Accessories
A couple of days ago I thought that I was getting a little old to shop at Claire's Accessories but I went in there and fell in love with their jewellery all over again so you can imagine my excitement when I found out that this necklace was in the sale for £1.00. I freaked out for a while and then bought it within a heartbeat. The cluster of crystal-like stones look gorgeous with any outfit I'm so excited to pair it with dresses.
Macadamia Oil and Argan Oil Foot Pack £1.00 each from Poundland
I can't say much about these products other than the fact that if they are amazing I will definitely recommend heading out to your local poundland and stocking up. I haven't really, without sounding too disgusting, looked after my feet or pampered my feet other than painting my toenails and moisturising them so I will definitely keep you guys posted!
Paper Towns by John Green - £3.50 from Sainsbury's
I can't believe I still haven't read The Fault in Our Stars, it's too late to turn away from this book now though I've already started it and it's pretty good! I literally can't wait for the ending. I'll post the blurb right here:
" Quentin Jacobson has always loved Margo from afar. So when she climbs through his window to summon him on an all-night road trip of revenge he cannot help but follow. But the next morning, Q turns up at school and Margo doesn't. She's left clues to her disappearance, like a trail of breadcrumbs for Q to follow.
And everything leads to one unavoidable question:
Who is the real Mardo?"
Lauren Conrad - Sugar and Spice - £1.00 from Poundland
I have been a huge fan of The Hills so when I found out Lauren Conrad came out with a book I was so excited to read them however I have no idea why I started on what I think is the third book. Either way, the way Lauren Conrad writes is awful and I feel bad for saying that because she is one of my favourite celebrities but honestly it was such hard work getting through this book it got to the point where the only thing keeping me going was the fact I could finish it and move on to another book. The storyline is incredibly dull, the way it was written is dull so that's what I'm going to leave it at.
Pitch Perfect DVD - £5.00 from Asda
Please tell me you've watched this genius, acapella-singing sensation of a movie because if not I will mail one to you.
Just kidding.
I have watched this film 10 times since my mum bought it for me, it's getting to the point where I'm close to memorising the whole movie word for word. If you haven't ever watched it it's pretty much about a girl called Beca (Kendrick) who gets to college, she starts off as an anti-social and demure character but as she auditions to be in an acapella group called the Barden Bellas where she makes life-long friends and also there's a love interest that she has in rival acapella boy group the Treble makers. With enough puns and comedy to make up for all the times you've ever been sad I would definitely recommend an hour and a half of this melodic hilarity!
Sass and Belle - £2.99
Last but not least, I got this cute sign a store in Brighton! I think it's beautiful and I especially fell in love with the saying and also anything that is to do with travelling so putting two together in I had to buy it and now it sits proudly in my room above my bed and makes me want to go somewhere far away from here :)
I hope you guys enjoyed this post, I have a feeling it's going to be a long one so I will end it here,
God bless,
All my love,

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