Hey guys,
I have been searching the hills high and low for someone, anyone with a Google Friend Connect solution. All the blogs I look at have it and I never really found the glorious answer to my Friend Connect problems until I simply typed it into google and clicked on the first link there. It took me to this website Stramaxon which told me quite simply how to do it so make sure you check that out if you haven't been successful into retreiving Google Friend Connect from the depths of the Add a Gadget abyss. It was very helpgul as it now appears on my blog, so if you guys haven't followed me there it would be incredible and awesome and amazing if you guys could :)
On another note I reached 500+ followers on Bloglovin! That is still so crazy to me that 500 people in this world of 7 billion actually took the time to check out my blog and press the follow button :) Seeing others enjoy my blog posts makes this even more wonderful to be a part of. I'm glad that you guys have stuck around! I will be sure to do a giveaway very soon, comment below on ideas for items I might like to include in a giveaway. It's the first time I've ever done a giveaway so if anyone who has done one before already would be so gracious as to give me tips that would be wonderful :)
In other news I wanted to remind you guys to be sure to follow me on:
I almost always follow back (sometimes it's hard to forget).
On a side note here are a collection of photos of my life in recent moments:
Hope you enjoy this quick post :)
All my love,
God bless,

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