Autumnal Wishlist 2013 by rose1995 featuring black handbags

Red Swing Dress
$40 - missguided
I am absolutely loving velvet dresses for the fall and winter time, they are timeless peices that you can place combat boots and tights with for casual comfy days and pair it with heels and jewellery for the nights you want to go out. Ever since I saw Katy Perry wear it with the cutest outfit which I will post here I fell in love and instantly wanted one to style as my own.

Red Swing Dress
$40 - missguided
I am absolutely loving velvet dresses for the fall and winter time, they are timeless peices that you can place combat boots and tights with for casual comfy days and pair it with heels and jewellery for the nights you want to go out. Ever since I saw Katy Perry wear it with the cutest outfit which I will post here I fell in love and instantly wanted one to style as my own.
$135 -
Simple floral dresses instantly give colour and vibrancy to any outfit especially at fall and winter time all you need to do is add a cosy cardigan and a leather jacket, include tights and boots and thats an easy outfit that has been made so I found this style of skater dress which is also slimming because it cinches in at the waist.
Comfy and fluffy knit sweaters are a must for fall and winter it is so essential I cannot even express enough! This white sweater has a ribbed front so will keep me extra warm in the cold months to follow. I must invest in a variety of colours and even invest in a few cardigans next month as they are so easy and simple that you could throw them over a dress and even make it look cute!
$125 -
I originally wanted a coat from but as the one that I desired was sold out I decided to hunt for a similar one. My desire coat would be dark red, blue or black, it needs to cinch in at the waist so peplum, have long sleeves, a pretty button detailing and preferably a hood!
$19 -
No words can express how IN tartan is, tartan skirts, shirts, coats and scarves, tartan is a must have essential for the winter. For my fellow americans that would be plaid. It is such a historical print, inheritted no doubt from the scottish highlands that we have tired timelessly to reinvent it and I prove that this year we have successfully created a great way to wear a kilt.
There is no way I could afford these exact boots but I found them on Polyvore and I happen to think they are absolutely glorious! Personally my carves are too big to fit into most which is why I need to invest in wide calf boots or at least buy riding boots that have a rubbery side that will stretch to my calf shape. Style wise these go amazingly with jeans or legging and an cardigan, more my style would be with a skirt or dress and tights.
Boots are so in this season I must buy more, these two pairs of boots are the boots I need the most, the black pair have a slight heel to them and lace up which would be able to go with absolutely anything and I believe they will be so comfy and easy to walk in.
The brown combat boots are the style I want as they go wide at the top enabling you to wear seriously comfy sock above them creating that super fun girly feel to boots!
$24 -
I was first introduced to this bag because of the uglyfaceofbeauty she's an amazing beauty guru on Youtube and I leave the link to her channel here. She styled it with a few outfits and I loved this bag, I did have the opportunity to buy it when I was in London however I didn't but I have regretted doing so every since. I believe that handbags are really just something you should splurge on as they are on you at all times and it takes a lot of thought and investment to find the perfect bag to go with everything.
I have loved snoods ever since they came out a couple of years ago! I remember having one from Next except I lost it at a friends house and haven't really bought a fluffy one since! This one from topshop is probably affordable for me however I do have a feeling that Primark will provide me with a lot more choice for much cheaper prices. Snoods are a comfy circular ball of comfiness haha, that, was an awesome description. These go so easily on and can casualise any given outfit. They also go with ANYTHING, skirts and jeans galore.
$32 -
I haven't wanted a burgundy hat for at least 2 months now and I still have yet to find one that will go comfily onto my head, these really can create a bohemian feel to any outfit and I imagined this particular peice with a black blazer and skirt with tights and combat boots!