Hey guys,
Yes, it's that time of the year again where some of us return to normality and the routine of education again! Don't we all wish we were back on holiday doing well, anything but school. But let's not look upon the rest of this year as boring and repititive let's get excited for what God has in store for each and every one of us. For some of us, including myself, you will be starting a new chapter of your life whether it be going to university for the first time, moving up into secondary school or going into your second year of college. Either way I hope this new start to a wonderful year involves a change that you view as a wonderful opportunity to try new things, meet new people and generally have a great time learning because learning can be fun too guys and if some of you don't feel that way, then may you learn to love learning and if not may this stationary haul post ease a little bit of the pain.
University. That word has never left the concious and sub conciousness of my mind ever since halfway through the second year of college when we're told to seriously think about what we want to do with our lives. Some of you can relate to this - everyone's mum and their pet dog's brother twice removed talks about university and are waiting to judge the extent of professionalism you'll reach with the degree that you choose. (Blah blah blah)
I actually didn't follow the crowd when everyone in my year was applying for university, did I regret it? Certainly not because I was given the time to really think about what I wanted to do in life whether that was to go to University or not. In the end I came to the conclusion to do Journalism with English Literature simply because I adored writing and reading. I love laying my thoughts out on a page and getting lost in a thick plot - I find it so enjoyable and that is why I decided to take it. Had I not taken a year out to work, start blogging again and been able to spend time with family and friends but more importantly spend time with myself and discover what I liked and to establish a bit more independence I would've probably been on a course that I didn't enjoy and a university that I didn't want to be at. For me it was refreshing to be able to relax after school and college and take time out for myself doing things that I enjoyed doing!
To decide about your future at the age of 17/18 years old is a lot of pressure to handle. I mean we have the concept drilled into us at such a young age that what we decide to study determines our future. In some ways it can be true, if we're focused on a career it's important to take the steps that take us there but on the other hand some of us simply don't know what we would genuinely be ecstatic to do in the future so we decide to take the subjects we enjoy and are passionate about and hope that it leads us to a job that we feel the same way in.
Either way, whether you're determined on your future career or whether everything feels like it's just gone up in the air just work hard and do your best in whatever God has called you to do now whether it's to simply to love, cherish and enjoy spending time with your family and friends or study really hard for a grade that you are proud with and need to get to excel in education. It's above all important to love, love God, your family and friends and be appreciative of your life and come to the realisation of how much of a blessing it is.
So without furtherado here's my stationary haul:
Pencil Case is from Paperchase £8
Pink and Purple Folders are from WHSmiths £1.24 each
Study Planner and 2014/2015 Diary are from Paperchase £8 and £7
Pritt Stick from ASDA for £2.00
Pink Stapler from Paperchase for £5.00
Sharpie Highlighters from ASDA for £3
Blue Paperclips from WHSmiths for £1.00
Pencil Book Markers from ASDA £0.50
Larger Post-it Notes from ASDA for £2.00
Small Post-it Notes from ASDA for £1.00
BIC Cristal Grip Pens £1.50
Zebra Z-Grip Ball Point Pen £2
Papermate Pens £3
All from ASDA
Oxford Paper Ringbinder 3 for to £5.99 each £11.98 for 3 at WHSmiths
Oxford Paper Refill Pad for £2 at ASDA
Collins English Dictionary £1.99
Improve Your Skills Writing Grammar and Punctuation £5.00
both from WHSmiths
Pack of 3 Display Books £4.99 from WHSmiths
Page Dividers £1.99 from WHSmiths
Polkadot Folder £2.50 from Paperchase
So this is what I've got so far, I've still yet to purchase a few bits and bobs but I'm hoping that this will last me the whole of this year and possibly a bit of next years! I fear I have bought way too much but there's really no excuse I just love stationary...
I hope you enjoyed this post,
God bless,
All my love and blessings to those starting school again!

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