Hey guys,
This post is going to display all of my current favourites and make-up bits that are occupying my make-up bag. I was feeling uninspired blog-wise so I finally decided that I haven't done enough favourites so here it is:
I cannot vouch for the scent of this hairspray enough, it spells like berries and holds my hair a good few hours, say now I spritzed my hair at around 4:30pm because I was getting ready for a concert I was playing in and it has lasted until now and it's 10:36pm and will probably last most of the night so everything about this hairspray really is just en pointe I seriously recommend it.
I had never really used oils in my hair before, I remember my mum bought me hot oil from VO5 which we both put in our hair for special occasions and I remember that being amazing but I never had an oil that I just pump and place on the ends of my hair. This is lovely before and after drying your hair and I use it especially when I feel like my hair is looking a bit dry it grants instant moisture to my dull hair.
P.S Normally I would never spend that much on hair products BUT it was only £6.00 when I bought it at ASDA but I believe it's risen in price so be sure to keep your eyes peeled for discounts!
I actually bought this colour ages ago but I think I only wore it once but took it off straight after because I hated the colour with my skintone but you know what, screw it, this year I love it. It's like a coral neon colour which is perfect for springtime!
This lip balm is honestly the best ever I've tried, it's moisture is like no other, I put it on before I put on my make-up and when I go to sleep because it leaves my lips so shiny but more importantly moist. I carry this everywhere I go, I actually got this in a combination of presents from one of my good friends Sammie, she has a Youtube channel that is awesome here's the link to her channel ♥, make sure you guys subscribe she does wonderful videos!
I actually bought this when it was a mere £5 in Superdrug and I pondered getting two because I knew that the discount doesn't last long but I wanted to try it and I've literally nearly run out, I've have been obsessing over pink recently so it was probably the best first bright pink lip lacquer I've ever bought. What I also love about this product is the fact that it smells like mint when you put it on your lips. It was like I had been chewing gum but I hadn't been.
I've bought this palette two times, the first time it did get used a lot but I lost the lid and eventually it failed on me so I bought another one and literally the combinations are endless I am actually to this day still finding new colour combos to use for day and night so I'm literally in love with this palette a ton there is not a single colour I don't use, apart from the top right colour, it doesn't look used at all!
I love this product, I mostly use it when I've already filled in my brows but on some days where I'm feeling rushed I will just use it on its own. I recommend it for everyone it's made brow life a whole lot easier!
I know what you're thinking £9.99 for this pot but I got this around Christmas time and my mumma bought it for me as a treat. I was honestly so excited to true it, on the packaging it had a before and after picture and I was like dayuuum your girls going to finally have eyelashes (because my real ones are short and non-existent) so when I tried it I was a tad disappointed but I layered it a few times and curled it with my eyelash curlers and it works a dream.
£7.49 - Amazon
£2.99 - bookstore
This book, I bought a few days ago and it's literally such an awesome and convicting book, a total God send and anointed piece of writing. It's also so eye-opening and humbling, I've read it morning afternoon and evening since I bought and a great thing about it is that is has bible references as well so I spend ages looking them up and then referencing other pages of my Bible. Another things I love about this book is the titles, the chapters are short but there straight to the point, it's simple as well, Kempis tells it how God tells it and I am so blessed to read it.
I hope you enjoyed this post!
What are your favourites?
God bless,
All my love,